Dave Beckerman 2008

Dave Beckerman is responsible for this website almost as much as I am. He has helped me at all hours of the day with my troubleshooting and with even the smallest details. He is quite an interesting character too. He gave up financial security as a computer programmer and decided to try and survive off of the sales of his photographs. That takes balls! Anyway, Dave has also had many phases during his photographic career. He’s done large format and then tried medium format when he wanted more flexibility. Then he went through his Leica phase which is an important one, before slipping into the evil world of 0s & 1s (that’s digital) He also had an infrared period during which he did an amazing amount of high quality work with the hard to process films. He liked it so much he had a camera & flash converted to shoot infrared only. (I think he’s holding the set up in this picture) Then of course he switched back to a Leica and film for a year or so, before finally deciding that his love of those pesky 0s & 1s was too great. Even though he’s digitally evolved, he fluctuates between shooting color and black & white…has also had a brief affair with HDR digital and the only phase that he hasn’t gone through yet, is a “Minox moment”. Dave has written about his addiction to buying cameras and he’s owned a lot more than I have. His writing is funny and also serious depending on his mood. He deserves the success which he’s had and plenty more…

All Photos © Matt Weber