4 thoughts on “HArlem-Tarheel-BAR-1985 copy

  1. To whom it may concern, thank you so very much for your foresight in preserving this place in a photograph. The Tarheel Social Club was a favorite after hour entertainment spot for members and their guests, and celebrities who wanted to have a safe, clean, and exciting time.
    Management of this elite establishment were known to always greet and care for their patrons with the red carpet treatment; everyone was special.

  2. To whom it may concern, thank you so very much for your foresight in preserving this place in a photograph. The Tarheel Social Club was a favorite after hour entertainment spot for members and their guests, and celebrities who wanted to have a safe, clean, and exciting time.
    Management of this elite establishment were known to always greet and care for their patrons with the red carpet treatment; everyone was special.

  3. The Tarheel Social Club
    The Tarheel Social Club will be featured in my book and movie. It was a special place to be for my brothers and I. We would spend summers and holidays there visiting from the south.

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